Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Lately it feels like all I do is work..as if my life has become all about work. I don't want that. I don't want work to be the only on going thing in my life. I am grateful that in the times we are living in that I have a paying job but I just don't want it to be what my life is all about. I can be off 2 or 3 days and still the calls come in. It's like not even having a break. When I am not there I really don't care what goes on... I really don't!!
 There are things on my mind that I cannot talk about as it would compromise the safety of ones I love but these things are with me and are so much more important than this little snitch job. I'm frustrated because with the type of work I do one cannot be friends or even overly friendly with people in this work place. It does not bother me that I am talked about..it comes with the job. What does infuriate me is when people take my words and twist them to make a delicious poison and then they spew them as if I said it the way they are spewing it..that sends me into a stinging rage. I have no use for gossip!! I don't understand why people get so involved in gossip in the work place. You practically live with these people and still are trying to destroy them with words...I don't get it.
My JOB is to verify and report everything I see and hear and make judgment calls on certain situations and then leave it for the owner.

Friday, December 10, 2010

home made

So I'm thinking that home remedies are the way to go when it comes to a bothersome cough or cold. The worst that could happen really is that you get a little buzzed. I am terrible about not going to the dr but I just really don't like handing over money for them to tell me something I usually already know. I certainly don't care for the meds they prescribe so if my neighbor can make an awesome cough medicine I'll take it. If vicks vapor rub on the bottom of your feet then add socks works I will do it and I do do it every day 2x a day.

I wish I had learned how to can and make jams and jellies. I listened to an older woman this afternoon at work talking about greens. I did not know that greens are better after a frost but she said that they are more tender than those that are hot housed.  I don't know, I guess I'm just realizing that it would be good to know these things.